Importance of Neutering

When a female cat reaches four months old, and a male reaches six months old, they have reached the age of sexual maturity. This means that they will able to start reproducing. When a female cat is neutered, the vet removes their ovaries and uterus. When a male is neutered, the vet removes their testes. These procedures are very routine and are highly important for the health of your cat as well as keeping the local feline population under control.

An unneutered female cat will come into season and start calling for a male cat to come and find her. She will howl at all hours and throw her bum in the air, as well as rolling around on the floor. Unneutered females are also prone to developing health problems later in life, such as mammary tumours and other infections in their reproductive organs. There is a common misconception that females should be allowed to have one litter of kittens before they are neutered, but this is NOT TRUE. It is best to get kittens neutered as soon as they reach sexual maturity.

Unneutered males are just as bad, as they are likely to spray as a way of marking their territory and will fight to protect the territory they have claimed as their own. They may even become aggressive towards humans due to rampant hormones. Unneutered males who are fighting one another are also prone to contracting nasty infections through the transmission of blood and saliva. These diseases include Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and Feline Leukemia, both of which are fatal and cause a very unpleasant death for the cat in question.

Overall, getting a cat or kitten neutered is vital and any responsible cat owner would get it done sooner rather than later to prevent unwanted litters of kittens or worse.